South Florida Dental Foundation

About the South Florida Dental Foundation

The South Florida Dental Foundation serves as the fundraising arm for organized dentistry in South Florida and has provided funding to many dental causes including Project: Dentists Care, Donated Dental Services, the Thena Crowder Clinic, the May Van Sickle Clinic.

The foundation also supports the Florida Mission of Mercy (FLA-MOM) which is the Florida Dental Association’s large-scale, two-day, professional dental clinic. The Mission of Mercy provides care to any patient at no cost to them, with the goal of reaching the under-served and uninsured in Florida — those who would otherwise go without care.

The foundation also provides funds for the public relations efforts and charitable endeavors of the SFDDA including its signature oral care awareness event, The Children’s Dental Health Month Poster Contest held in conjunction with Miami Dade County Public Schools.

Click on logo below to donate to the foundation.
SFDF Logo (1)